Sunday, August 1, 2010

July 4th

We had some visitors for the 4th of July. Josh's parents came down and spent the weekend with us. Saturday morning we had our Ward Annual Pancake breakfast at the park. What more can you ask for than good food, good company, and fun games! We spent most of our morning there and came home to what I thought was an exhausted little girl. She was ornery and not happy. I was trying to make lunch while Josh tried to calm our screaming L down. I told him to give her a bath since that is what she loves. That just made her cry harder. My mom-in-law also tried to comfort L and she finally came and told me she just wanted her mom. I tried to comfort L, but it just wasn't working so I decided to go outside with her. She loves the outdoors and immediately calmed down so my mom-in-law and I took L for a walk. We were about half way around the block when the sky opened up and just started pelting huge rain drops on us and that upset L again. Luckily, Josh came to our rescue, calling to see if we had taken an umbrella and when we said no he came running down the street with one. After that L was totally fine. We stood outside soaked and took pictures of the fun storm. I learned the reason L was so upset was because she cut her first tooth. She went to bed quite early, so we stayed home and watched the fireworks from our driveway. We are lucky to live across the street from the high school where they light off the fireworks. It was nice to sit at home and watch the firewroks and let L sleep. Monday we went to the Albuquerque Zoo for the first time. We met Josh's cousin and her family there. We really enjoyed the zoo. We tried to see everything but didn't quite get to all of it. Guess we will have to go again. Then we came back for a bbq at our house. Thanks for spending the day with us Stacy we had a great time visiting with your family!


soli said...

An American Londyn! So patriotic!
Who is the man dressed up?

Josh said... of my TQ members. They had a little patriotic program. I forget who he was playing. Enjoy the pics!

BAja said...