Sunday, September 25, 2011

We Didnt Start the Fire

It's probably pretty sad that L got super excited when we pulled into Lowes' parking lot yesterday. A summer full of landscaping (almost done btw) has yielded numerous trips to the home improvement superstore, to the point where I know which associates can actually answer questions, and which ones can't.
Walking in, a lady flagged us down, very excited to tell us that L could build her own firetruck--I kind of laughed and said we'll see, but kinda glad we did.
L built an awesome looking truck (read: Dad put. It together while L got way too excited about the siren and stickers) and got to tour the RRFD's awesome trucks. Ambulances are a touchy subject in our house, but L loved it all--even if we couldn't get her to smile in most of these shots. So thanks RRFD, thanks Lowes, and thanks random lady for an awesome little activity.

1 comment:

marilyn said...

She is so adorable. What a fun day for London.